Cosmetics Ingredients

Why fermentation in cosmetics?

Fermentation within cosmetics ingredients is an exciting new field of development, even though it already has an important place within cosmetics in South Korea. Since fermentation may modify a product’s fundamental molecular structure, there may be potential to the effectiveness and absorption of cosmetics and cosmetic ingredients. Fermentation may also be able to extend the shelf life of a product in a natural way.


Product Variety

Thinking of experimenting with fermented cosmetics ingredients for your product range? Many types of products could possibly benefit from fermented ingredients. From creams and moisturizers to powders and liquids.






Areas of Use

frauenhand mit handcreme aus fermentierten inhaltsstoffen
Wide range of possibilities within moisturizing, and UV-blocking applications.
reihe an antiken kosmetik braunglasflaschen
Fermentation may improve water-soluble natural aromas, and add new notes.
Application potential for bio-actives in anti-aging focussed products.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Authorized Officer

Thomas Preuss

Cellavent Healthcare GmbH
Am Trippelsberg 43
D-40589 Düsseldorf 

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